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Blue Surface

Pastor's Message


“I Believe” is a song that has hit number one in the charts on at least three occasions and that has been recorded by many artistes but what does this song tell us about the singers?  “I believe that someone in the great somewhere hears every word”  perhaps suggests that here is someone who believes that there is a God but what else?


“I Believe” is a “warm feeling” song of the sort that litters Mother’s Day CDs and “Gospel” compilation albums.  But it is also a song that reflects the way most people are:  Most people believe in “Someone in the great somewhere.” Most people when they see the wonders of Nature are moved to reflect that these things might not just be down to chance. But, sadly, for most people that is where it ends: their “belief” is no more than a “warm feeling”!


Even for churchgoers the reality is that belief, for many, goes no further than the church door. Belief is something that produces a sense that they wish to worship, to be involved with like minded people in some act of reverence, but it is an “only on Sunday” sort of belief system. 


The Apostle James says it quite plainly (James 2 :19): “You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that – and shudder!”  Being a Christian is not merely about belief – that is the starting point but we have to move on. Our BELIEF must become FAITH.


Faith is more than Belief.  James tells us that if we have faith it must show in what we do. Indeed, if there is no discernible action arising from faith then faith is dead and (To paraphrase Monty Python’s “Dead Parrot” sketch!) – “It is no more, it has expired – it is a late faith!”  Christians must be people who act upon their beliefs because they have faith in the God who is not simply “Someone Somewhere” but who is a living presence in their lives. If a person is truly born again the faith they have will result in actions, words and relationships that are plainly honouring to God. 


Perhaps you believe in God, believe in Jesus even, but your journey has stalled, you need to move on. You need to convert your Belief into Faith. It is a strange turn of phrase I know but that step of faith is taken when you “Invite Jesus into your heart.” Perhaps that is a step you have already taken, maybe years ago, but somehow your journey has come to a grinding halt – you need to step out and, in faith, do something in Jesus’ name.  Jesus was once confronted by a man who said “I believe help my unbelief” Whatever your situation if that could be your plea please join with me in this prayer:  Father, thank you that although you are far beyond my understanding you have revealed yourself to me: in the world around me, in the person of Jesus Christ and in your Word the Bible.  I confess that my belief is a fragile thing and I ask that you will strengthen that belief that it may become a faith that can move mountains. Help me to do the things that demonstrate my Faith in you, and to turn my back on the things that prevent me from following you.            



May you know God’s richest blessing in working out your faith in Him.

John McLaren preaching with screen showing What do you believe

Rev. John McLaren


The House at Richmond Baptist Church.

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