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In Memoriam

June Scott

On 26th January 2021 our dear sister June Scott was taken home to be with the Lord she had faithfully served for so many years.

June was a Liverpool girl and, some time after her conversion, was called to study at Bible College in Glasgow. It was here she met her late husband, Brian, and following their studies they were led to serve the Lord in Northern Ireland. When their mission work was ended they returned to Liverpool where Brian eventually became a policeman and later a detective in the Merseyside Police.

They had four children – two boys and two girls and in the mid sixties found Richmond Baptist Church as their spiritual home where they both served in different aspects of the work.

June worked in the Sunday School, with the young people and the young women’s group. She had a lovely voice which she often used to sing God’ praises.

She also served as a deacon where her wise counsel and depth of spiritual knowledge was a blessing to those who served with her. She was also active as a leader in the Bible Study Fellowship which was held at Bethel Church in Green Lane.

We give thanks to God for a life spent in His service and offer our love and prayers to her family, secure in the knowledge that June is now safe in the presence of the Lord she loved and served.

Barbara Dodson

Barbara Dodson

Just before Christmas 2020 our oldest church member, Barbara Dodgson, was taken to be with the Lord she had loved and served for so many years.

Barbara had been involved in Christian service all her life having attended Richmond from a very young age. She undertook various aspects of Christian work, not only in her home church and in the wider Merseyside area, but will be especially remembered for her work with the children and young people in our Sunday School.

We give thanks for her life of quiet, faithful Christian service and for the memory of her presence and company that she has left with so many of us.

Irene Brown

Irene Brown


We were deeply saddened to hear that Irene Brown had passed away.  Our sister in Christ was a dedicated member of Richmond along with her husband Bill, for many years. For sometime in recent years they had been unable to attend church because of ill health.We pray for Bill and the family that they will find comfort in the sure knowledge that Irene is now with the Lord whom she served

Jacqui Allward

Jacqui Allward speaking at a service at Richmond

It is with great sadness that we must share the news that our dear sister Jacqui Allward was "promoted to glory" on 11 April 2020. In these especially difficult times our thoughts and prayers continue to be with Jacq's family. 

Jacqui's funeral was held on Thursday 23rd April. Because of the Coronavirus restrictions attendance at the funeral was limited to 10 members of the family and the service was live-streamed.A service to celebrate Jacq's life and to give thanks for her will be held at The House as soon as it can be arranged once the current restrictions have been lifted.

Jacqui was at the heart of the life and work of every aspect of Richmond and a support and inspiration to all who knew her.  She served the Lord tirelessly and was a blessing to all. We continue to miss her greatly but we know she is now in the presence of the Lord she loved and has heard Him say: "Well done good and faithful servant; enter into the joy of the Lord" (Mathew ch 25 vs 23)

Mary Keenan. 6th January 1945 - 8th November 2017

Mary Keenan

It was with great sadness that Mary passed away peacefully in the Royal Hospital, surrounded by her family, after being diagnosed with stomach cancer earlier in the year.  Her funeral was held on Wednesday 22nd November attended by over 200 friends and relatives from all over the country.

Mary started attending Richmond as a young teenager after being invited by her school friend Janet.  She was soon involved in the life of Richmond church being baptised and becoming a church member.  She later became a Sunday school teacher, Brownies leader, member of the Church choir and worked with the children in Christian Endeavour and the Playgroup.   She used her talents in finance, and was an excellent Treasurer for many years of the Sunday School, CE (both Richmond and the Liverpool union) Sisterhood, and in later years the newly formed Playgroup.

Mary was a great asset to Richmond - she was a great worker in all aspects, from organising many catering events, being involved in collecting and packing boxes for O.C.C. - and for our friends in Kenya, making banners to hang in the church, organising outings and Christmas dinners - the list goes on and on.

Mary is greatly missed by everyone both at Richmond and far beyond, and our thoughts and prayers have been extended to her husband Stu, their son David, his wife Shelley, Meicah and Apphia.

"Well done, good and faithful servant"

Isobel Fisher. 6th February 1920 - 14th June 2017

Isobel Fisher


We were sad  to hear of the death of Isobel Fisher who was the oldest church member having been involved in the work of the church all her life.  Isobel was very involved in the life of the church having been a Sunday School teacher in the Primary for many years. She was also the organiser of the Baptist Missionary Society Birthday scheme.   Using her talents of flower arranging, over the years she spent many hours arranging the Sunday School flowers and then distributing them to the sick and elderly of the church.  She was also a member of the Sisterhood for many years, and a great visitor of the sick and elderly.

Isobel spent the last few years of her life in care homes, and  on visiting her she was always cheery, not complaining and always interested in what was happening at  Richmond and asking about various people.

She will be greatly missed, although she had a long and happy life of 97 years.  She will be missed by her son and his family and her niece Pat who has been a great help to her over many years.


Colin Jones. 22nd April 1923 - 18th March 2016

Colin and Muriel Jones

Richmond friends were sad to learn that Colin passed away in March, yet we rejoice to know that he is "absent from the body, present with the Lord". We remember his wife Muriel in our prayers.    The following link is to Colin's funeral service on youtube: 

Colin and Muriel both came to Christ in Richmond at the age of 16.  They married in 1949 and were active workers in the church for many years.  Colin trained at Bible college for full time ministry and over their many years in the Lord's service he became the minister of several churches in the UK and later in Australia where he and Muriel emigrated in 1963.

They continued to keep in touch with Richmond and family members in the UK.

 A Poem for Ann.

Written by her Dad, John Clarke.

I will walk in Garden of Eden,

I will stroll hand hand with my Lord,

For on the cross of Jesus,

Righteousness was restored.


It was at Calvary I first met Him,

When I knelt at cross full of sin,

I looked in the eyes of the Son of  God,

And saw the forgiveness within. 


Oh to see the beauty of Jesus,

With what can you compare?

To see the love on His face for sinners,

That’s why He died, and suffered there.


I have stood eye to eye with cancer,

I had no fear, it didn’t worry me,

I’m walking through the valley of the shadow,

But my Lord is walking with me.


My days on earth may be numbered,

Tomorrow I may never see,

Fear of death can never be a victory for Satan,

For Jesus walks through Gethsemane with me.

One day we will stand in Heaven,
With our loved ones, Jesus we’ll see,
We will know this is the greatest gift,
Anyone can ever see.

John Clarke - longtime member of Richmond, wrote this moving poem when his daughter Ann died of cancer. Ann continued to witness to others right up to the time that she went to be with the Lord.  The poem was read at her funeral by Dawn Gauntlett.

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